Monday, March 07, 2005

Fall Winter 2005-2006 Paris Day 6

Chloe - Standard Chloe: kinda sexy, kinda dowdy...basically your mom in 1972.

Comme des Garcons - Scary ass ghost brides are even scarier in victorian laces and unmatched suits. I know I should understand this, but I dont. The coats and bell-sleeved dresses will probably nice once they hit the stores.

Collette Dinnigan - So pretty. The sweetest laces on 40s dresses and vintage slips.

Sloppy suits and loose dresses keep things from being too perfect.

John Galliano - Tough Marlene Dietrich, though maybe slightly more Francais.

Modern minis (thank god) to keep me happy:

I like them especially when theyre not used to be S-E-X-Y. Gorgeous coats that I would never remove:

Hermes - Terrible hats, luxe suits, the to-die-for accessories. Simple clothes from the label the epitomizes you-can-only-dream-of.

Maybe just this side of early 80s Ralph Lauren. Scary.

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