Monday, February 14, 2005

Fall Winter 2005-2006 London Day 1

Julien MacDonald - Ruffly blouses under sweaters and tanks are things I love for Fall.

I dont think the trousers look very flattering, but the dresses and coats and skirts are adorable. Very Poirot Murderess.

Ben de Lisi - Pretty fabrics and draping, but it seems he has the body shape a little off. Like the waist is too high, hips too low. A little cheesy too with cheap looking sequins and broaches.

Basso & Brooke - Versace fabrics in edgy/dorky/futuristic shapes.

Emma Cook - Clever little dresses, though a tad on the plain side.

The fabrics have left me underwhelmed.

Karen Walker - Words cannot express how horrible these pants are:

The tiered skirts and ruffled skirts are surprisingly cute. How do you explain the pants???

London Fashion Week is not looking so hot...

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